About Me, who are you?


Oh, hello! I'm Nullnone, and welcome to my niche interweb-site! This is my little corner where you can find all my online info, links, and whatever else I feel like sharing.

I'm a guy that mods the video-game "Team Fortress 2". Engineer is my main in the game, and multitasking, kicking ass, and being a general helper is why I do so.

When I'm not drowning in mods, you'll probably see me in other parts of Steam, websites, "websites", cats, being shot by a railgun, ect.

Favorite Stuff: TF2, Portal, Half-Life, STW, my cozy bed, music (especially some funky beats), those neighborhood cats, probably MF DOOM, those tally men, ect

Hobbies: Modding, living, and maybe eating some good food along the way.

Gender: dude

Favorite Food: The cheap 5 dollar Little Caesar's Pizza.

Fun Fact: Human After All.

Links, doodads, all that jazz.

You can find me anywhere, but here's some good ones:

Email Icon Email:

Discord Icon Discord: nullnone. (im not sure this even works...)

Twitter Icon Twitter: @NullnoneTF2

Gamebanana Icon Gamebanana: Nullnone

Reddit Icon Reddit: Eddit

Homsar Icon Homsar: Homsar